Music Director’s word

“Music is one of the key art elements in a movie, while Chinese folk music is the spirit of a Kung Fu film. In the Hong Kong Film Music Fiesta – Rhythm of Martial Arts Music Concert, the audience can dive into the world of film music through rendition of music from classic martial art movies, and songs written by profound composing masters William Hu, James Wong and Joseph Koo. These music pieces would be specially rearranged for percussion and Chinese orchestration performance. The 1.5-hour concert would also highlight film music written by six local composers Peter Kam, Punk Chan, Leon Ko, Richard Yuan, Julian Chan and Lam Kwan-fai, portraying the talents of Hong Kong film music composers.

I wish the best to Windpipe Chinese Music Ensemble, and harmonica performers (Eng names pending). Enjoy the show.”

Dr. Kwong-chiu Mui Music Director

Dr. Mui Kwong-chiu, a renowned Hong Kong music composer, is the Chairman of Hong Kong Composers’ Guild, the Director of Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong, member of China Musicians Association, and the Art Director of the World Dulcimer Orchestra. In 2020 he was awarded “The 14th Hong Kong Arts Development Award Artist of the Year (Music)” by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council. He was also awarded the Hong Kong Baptist University Distinguished Communication Alumni Award celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2018 for his achievements in music and contribution to Hong Kong society. He has composed and arranged numerous music works, which include dramas, TV dramas, Chinese Xiqu, music concerts and more.

梅廣釗 Dr. Kwong-chiu Mu


lead sponsor

中華人民共和國香港特別行政區政府文化體育及旅遊局 Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China

Supporting Organisations

香港作曲家及作詞協會 Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong Ltd