Orchestra & Band


After graduating from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts with a Bachelor of Music in Erhu and Gaohu in 2011, he served as a huqin musician in the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra. In 2017, he was awarded the “Hong Kong Excellence Special Topic” and went to the United States to further his studies. He landed at Ithaca College and the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music and received a master’s degree in orchestral conducting and disease. During this period, he studied with conductors Octavio Mas-Arokas and Mark Gibson. While studying abroad, Situ Jian collaborated with many orchestras as music director, guest conductor and assistant conductor, and served as a conducting researcher for the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra. He is a musician who received professional training in both Chinese and Western music. In addition, Szeto won the runner-up in the 2022 Romanian Orchestra Conducting Competition and was invited to serve as the guest conductor chairman

Windpipe Chinese Music Ensemble

As a locally influenced, exquisite and energetic Chinese music organisation, Windpipe Chinese Music Ensemble is a registered charitable organisation supported by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council. Founded in 2003, the Ensemble promotes Chinese music in the local cultural scene. From its traditional Lingnan culture foundations to merging the aesthetics of the East and West, the Ensemble lives up to its artistic motto of “small but elegant, simple but refined” by presenting traditional and contemporary works with a distinctive local flair.

竹韻小集 Windpipe Chinese Music Ensemble

Leung Pak-yue Ramiel

Award-winning chromatic harmonica player,
Harmonica instructor and audio engineer

Jason Leung


梁正傑 Jason Leung

Sylvia Tam


譚詩蔚 Sylvia Tam

Hok-chun Lo


盧學臻 Hok-chun Lo

Julian Chan

Bandleader and Pianist

陳玉彬 Julian

Wendyz Zheng


鄭嘉嘉 Wendy Zheng

Kenneth Angus

E Guitarist

林宇翔 Kenneth Angus

Jonathan Wut

A Guitarist

屈霆軒 Jonathan Wut

Ka-chai Ng


吳家齊 Ka Chai Ng

Sunny Leung


楊光 Sunny Leung

Wan-pin Chu


朱芸編 Wan-pin Chu


lead sponsor

中華人民共和國香港特別行政區政府文化體育及旅遊局 Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China

Supporting Organisations

香港作曲家及作詞協會 Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong Ltd